Editorial Guidelines

Last Updated: September 3, 2023

About Side Hustle Academy’s Blog & Editorial Standards

Welcome to Side Hustle Academy, where we provide reviews and helpful insight into side hustles, from affiliate marketing, dropshipping, and freelancing to creating digital products to help people make money online and achieve their financial goals.

Editorial Standards & Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide helpful and honest information to our readers that benefits our readers. We will uphold the highest editorial standards for quality and accurate content.

Why Do We Do Reviews?

At Side Hustle Academy, we like researching products, learning how they work, the benefits, pros, and cons, and testing them to see if they will benefit our readers. We share these thoughts and recommendations with our community to give them the highest value and save our readers time researching independently.

How Do We Conduct Research For Our Articles

We conduct research on products through a variety of methods.

  • Personal Experience. We share what we’ve learned from using the product by sharing stories and insights.
  • Using the Product. We use the product and test all the features to see how they work.
  • Talking to People Who Own the Product. We contact customers who own the products to get their input.
  • Questioning the Companies Who Make the Product. We also contact the company to learn more about the product and get their insights.

Side Hustle Academy’s Methodology

Our methodology is to take the information we have learned and share all the good and bad of the product, giving an unbiased review.

How I Keep Information Free For You

To keep this information accessible, we earn an income via affiliate commissions, advertising, and sponsored content. However, we do not let earnings determine the outcome of our decisions about the products we like and don’t like.

The earnings generated from Side Hustle Academy are used to help grow and support this website.

How We Use AI-Generated Content

At Side Hustle Academy, we use AI assistance to aid in content creation. Tools included Grammarly+, SurferSEO, and Chat GPT .

All content generated by AI is reviewed and editted by humans before being published on Side Hustle Acadmey.