Welcome To Side Hustle Academy

Thanks for joining the Side Hustle Academy community.  You Are Awesome!

Here is the free gift I promised you, click here to download it now.

Just As A Reminder…

Each week I’ll send you my best tips about helping you find and start a side hustle.  The newsletter comes out every Tuesday U.S. Eastern Time.

On top of that I’ll be sending you some bonus emails over the next week to help you get your side hustle up and running fast, at least faster than it originally took me.

Additional Instructions For Gmail Users

If you use Gmail follow these specific instructions to make sure the Wallet Impact Newsletter shows up in your Primary Tab.

  • Where Does Your Email Show Up?  Gmail has recently changed things and created specials tabs to help people sort through their email better.  The typical tabs you might see will say Primary, Social, and Promotional.  Take note of where our emails show up at right now.  Our newsletter should show up in the Primary Tab.
  • How To Move The Wallet Impact Newsletter To The Primary Tab?  If our newsletter does not show up in the Primary Tab you can move it there by either starring the article or dragging the email and dropping it on the Primary Tab.  Either of these methods will move any future emails you receive from us to your Primary Tab.
  • Question?  If you have any further questions just send me an email via my contact page and I would be glad to help you out.

To Your Side Hustle Success,

– Chris