3 Best Affiliate Marketing Courses with Videos (2023)

Considering the idea of getting into affiliate marketing?

Maybe you’ve been reading about it online for a while and heard about others who’ve been having some success with it, heck you may have even given it a shot and haven’t had any success yet.

I’ve personally been doing affiliate marketing for 10 years now and I can personally say that I’ve made a lot of mistakes over the years, but I’ve also had some big successes as well.  The problem is I could have sped up the process and been much more successful if I had had someone to teach me how from the very beginning.

This is where having a teacher can save you a whole bunch of time, and in this article, I’m going to share the 3 best affiliate marketing courses out there today.

Before We Start…

Before I start, I want to share a couple of things with you.

First, I have personally taken all 3 of these courses.  This isn’t just some article where I pick three random Udemy courses and share them with you.  I’ve included a behind-the-scenes video with each course to give you an inside.

Second, I am an affiliate of all three courses.  I’m not going to beat around the bush here, however, I would not recommend any of these courses unless I knew that they all met the highest quality standards.

Finally, my goal is not to promote one course over another or to criticize any of these courses but rather to share their pros and cons and the qualities of each.  In the end, the course you choose is up to you, my goal is to simply point you in the right direction.

With that said let’s get started…

#1 Authority Hacker Pro – The Authority Site System

The first course is made by the guys over at Authority Hacker called he The Authority Site System.  This course is geared around the idea of creating your authority website.

Authority Site –  is a content-driven website that is a respected and trusted source of information. It is a larger site that delivers real value through it’s excellent editorial standards. This makes people trust the advice and recommendations from the site. ~Authority Hacker

As an example, Side Hustle Academy is an authority site.  I focus on people who want to start a business on the side of their full-time job.  I share business ideas, courses, and products they can buy.

In the video below, I give an inside look at everything you get with The Authority Site System.


4.8 out of 5 Stars


$997 One-Time Fee.


#1 Gives you the exact plan to follow.  The one thing I like a lot about this course is that it gives you an exact narrow path to follow. Unlike the other two courses I’m going to cover in this article, this is the only one that gives a simple path to building your online affiliate business.

#2 Breaks things down into stages.  On top of that, this course also breaks things down in stages.  Stage 1 is The Authority Site System which shows you how to build a thriving affiliate business by driving search traffic from Google to your website.  Stage 2 and Stage 3 cover more advanced topics like email marketing, social media, and even creating your own product.

Stages 2 and 3 cost an extra monthly fee to have, but you don’t have to own them to have a successful business.   The benefit to doing this is that you don’t have to waste time overloading yourself with everything all at once but rather giving you only the information you need to know right now.


#1 Geared more towards selling on the Amazon Affiliate Program.  One small downside of this course was that it was geared more toward selling products through the Amazon Affiliate Program.  Don’t get me wrong, Amazon’s affiliate program is great, but there is so much more out there.  However, all the info in this course can be applied to almost any other affiliate program.

#2 High Priced.  Another downside is that the course does cost more, a lot more.  At $997, it does sound like a lot, but I prefer not to look at the cost as a burden but rather as an investment in my future.  The way I see it, if this teaches me to how to build even a modest income of $1000 per month for the rest of my life, I feel the price is well worth it.

Who Should Buy Authority Hacker?

#1 Those Who Want a Step-by-Step Plan.  If you’re someone who wants to have step by step plan to grow your online affiliate business without all the distractions, then this course is the way to go.

#2 For Those Who Want a Proven System.  The Authority Site System is also a proven system that works.  The course shares a few of the profitable sites they have built.  Best of all, you can model their success over your own to grow your affiliate business.

Click Here to Sign Up For The Authority Site System Here

#2 Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing

Following successful people is a great way to grow your business. Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing is one of those courses, created by full blogger Michelle Shroeder-Gardner, which shares practical tips and advice she has used to build a blog that earns more than $100,000 per month.

Yes, you read that right.  In fact, here are her monthly income reports to prove it.

I continually review this course occasionally and pull all kinds of advice to grow my business.  Also, if you want to check out my full review, click here.


4.3 out of 5 Stars


$197 One Time Fee


#1  Full of Valuable Advice, Tips, and Strategies.  One of my favorite parts of the course is all the tips and strategies Michelle gives.  Her tips on creating tutorials to make more sales to the Pinterest strategy she uses are solid and powerful.  A lot of times, I will review her course and take just one idea and implement it. When it comes down to it, this is not one of those courses that you go through once but rather one that you will revisit over and over.

#2  The Mastermind Group.  This course also has a great Facebook group to share thoughts, ideas, and even the wins you achieve.  The quality of the people in the group is great and I always get a response when I ask a question.


#1 Not Step By Step.  On the downside, this course is not your typical step-by-step course, so if that’s what you’re looking for this is not the course for you.  As I mentioned, this course is great for those who are looking for strategies to grow there online affiliate business.

#2 No Video.  The biggest downside to this course is that there is no video in this course.  I have to admit when I signed up for the course I was expecting videos and this was a bit of a letdown.   To me, this course felt more like a collection of blog post than a course.  So if you can get past the video issue you’ll enjoy the course.

Who Should Buy Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing?

#1  For Those Who Want an Inside Look at a Professional Blogger.  If your someone who wants to model yourself after someone succeeding at the very thing you want to this is the course for you.  This is probably the biggest reason I signed up for this course.

#2  For Veterans Looking to Up There Game.  If you’ve been doing affiliate marketing for some time and you’re feeling stuck you may want to give this course a try,  It covers a lot of the basics which can be good to know but it also shares a lot of valuable strategies you can try to get you out of that slump and making sales again.

Click Here to Sign Up For Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing Here

#3 Affiliorama

Brand new to affiliate marketing and looking for a way to bootstrap things then Affiliorama may be the option for you.   You can also check out my full review here.


3.9 out of 5 Stars




#1 Great Option For BootStrapers.  As I mentioned Affilorama is completely free to start.  They also have other paid courses and tools as well, such as Affilioblueprint, Affilojetpack, Pathway to Passive Income, and more.

#2 High-Quality Content.  I also find the content to be very high quality with videos.  The amount of value you get from this course and the fact that it’s entirely free amazes me.


#1 Not Step By Step.  Again this course is not step by step but rather set up more like a blog format.  The information is not aligned in any specific order but more to help you get the general idea of things.

#2  Doesn’t Give all the Information.  This course also does not give all the information but rather they give you more of the what and why but leave the how to stuff for their paid courses.

Who Should Sign Up For Affilorama?

#1 A Great Option For Those On a Limited Budget.  If you have a limited budget and want to get started in affiliate marketing for little to no cost this is your best option.  However, don’t expect this course to teach everything.  Its designed to be an introductory course to get you to buy their premium courses.

#2  If You’re Brand New to Affiliate Marketing.  Also if you’re brand new and you’re just looking to dip your toe in affiliate marketing before you get entirely invested in it Affilorama is a great option.

Click Here to Sign Up For Affilorama Here

Above some of the best affiliate marketing courses on the market today.  Are you considering any of the courses I mentioned above or is there a different course you’ve been looking at?  Share your thoughts and comments below.

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