ConvertKit vs GetResponse – The #1 Reason I Switched and Why You Should Too


Do you use GetResponse or are you thinking about signing up? Before you go any further you’ll want to read this article.

Recently I switched from GetResponse to ConvertKit.  In fact, you may have read my review on GetResponse and how much I liked it but I recently came across a new email management program that has been shaking up the industry called ConvertKit.

Over the years I’ve tried several email provider for my blog from MailChimp, Aweber, to GetResponse, but they all lacked something big that I really didn’t understand until I tried ConvertKit.

So what is it?

The #1 Reason I Switched

The number one reason I switched to ConvertKit is also the number one weakness of GetResponse and all the other email providers out there.  So what is this one thing you might be wondering?


Yes, you read that right, simplicity is the number one reason I switched from GetResponse to ConvertKit.  If this has left you a little confused let me explain.

While GetResponse is a decent email provider it lacks in keeping things simple.  Over the last 2 years, I’ve been using them to send out my emails but I’ve found certain things to be a bit clunky from the editor to navigating around the site to moving between multiple emails.

On the other hand, ConvertKit was designed by someone who specializes in user design and functionality.  More than that they have simplified things to the point that literally anyone can use them and not need a college degree.

To prove my point I put this video together to show you exactly what I’m talking about.

3 Features That I Like Most About ConvertKit

Now that you know why I switched I wanted to share some of the features I like about ConvertKit that got me to switch.

Side Note: I covered all of this in the video above but just in case you didn’t watch it I thought I would share it below here.

#1 Tagging

As you can tell the number 1 feature I like most about ConvertKit is that they make tagging people so much easier.  This allows me to track peoples interest.  This way I don’t alienate everyone else on my list.

For example, I recently sent out an email on Merch by Amazon and anyone who read that email and clicked the link got tagged as someone who was interested in that topic.

If at some point I come across an article, product, or service that this group of people would be interested in I can just target that group of people, and not to my entire list.

#2 Sequences & Automation

As you can also tell I like how the sequencing and automation works in ConvertKit.  With GetResponse this process is a lot harder to set up and understand.

I tried setting up automation several times with GetResponse and it just felt clunky and hard to grasp.  With ConverKit I had it all figured out in just one afternoon playing around with it.

Best of there is no limit to all the sequence and automation ideas you could do here from product and content funnels, to upsells, to reviving people who may have stopped reading your emails.

#3 ConvertKit WordPress Plugin

Third, there is the ConvertKit WordPress Plugin that goes way beyond most email plugins.   Not only can this plugin let you add opt-in forms to your site but it can let you tag your subscribers as they consume your content to see what their interest are.

I’m still playing around with this feature yet but GetResponse does not do any of this and is one of the big reasons I switched.

#4 You Never Pay Twice for a Subscriber

Finally, the biggest benefit is that you never have to deal with paying twice for a subscriber.  With GetResponse if I were to set up a new list and drive my existing subscribers to that new list they would count this as another subscriber.

With ConvertKit a subscriber is only ever counted once.  When I uploaded my list from GetResponse to ConvertKit it automatically filtered out all the duplicate emails addresses.  Now paying for the same email address twice is a thing of the past.

The Downside To ConvertKit

To be fair I do want to talk about the one downside ConvertKit has after using this service and for the last few weeks, I could only find one big downside.

The Price.

With GetResponse you get almost everything that ConvertKit has but at half the cost.  GetResponse runs $15 a month with their basic starter package while with ConvertKit you’ll pay  $29 a month to get started.  This is probably the biggest sticking point that held me back from buying ConvertKit initially.

But I also knew that I was not happy with GetResponse and that I needed to try something different.  So I signed up for ConvertKit to see what everyone was talking about and I learned real quick why this program was so superior to all the other out there.

ConvertKit vs GetResponse – Comparison Chart

To help you better understand the differences between both platforms I thought I would share a comparison chart.  This chart is comparing the basic plan from both ConvertKit and GetResponse to give a more apples to apples comparison.

[table id=4 /]

As you can see both email providers carry a lot of the same features but what I feel makes the biggest difference is that ConvertKit is a lot less complex to use than GetResponse.

Is ConvertKit Right For You?

Are you still on the fence with ConvertKit?  If you meet any of the qualifications below, ConvertKit is definitely the right email solution for you.

#1 If You’re Looking for a Simpler Solution

If you’re looking for a simple down to earth email solution that doesn’t require a college education to run then ConvertKit is for you.  I’ve used several email providers from Mailchimp, Awber, to GetResponse and none of them compare to ConvertKit the simplicity behind ConvertKit.

#2 If You’re a Blogger

Second, if you’re a blogger then  ConvertKit is exactly what you need.  GetResponse tends to market themselves towards small business and e-commerce sites while ConvertKit markets themselves towards bloggers and content creators…

Top bloggers such as Pat Flynn, Cliff Ravenscraft, and Mark Mason all use ConvertKit as their main email provider.

#3 If Your Looking for a Better Way to Track Subscribers

Finally, if you’re looking for a better way to track subscribers, and send them emails that match their interest instead of sending them a blanket email in hopes that they may have interest in what you’re talking about ConvertKIt is your answer.

As I mentioned earlier the tagging feature is worth its weight in gold and allows you to target specific sub niches in your list to see where peoples interest are.

My Final Thoughts…

In the end, I’ve never been more comfortable with an email provider than ConvertKit.  While GetResponse wasn’t a terrible email solution it still wasn’t the best solution.

Email doesn’t have to be a complex issue, with ConvertKit I feel more in control of my email and ready to grow my business to the next level.

So are you considering ConvertKit?  What’s holding you back from switching or signing up?  Let me know in the comments below and I would be happy to help you out otherwise click the link below and sign up now and your future self with thank you.

Ready to sign up for ConvertKit?  Click here and sign up now.


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  1. Great comparison post, Chris. I’ve been thinking of moving away from Getresponse for a while now for the same reasons as you. The email editing page is slow and laggy and I find it frustrating when I want to switch from one email sequence to the next, cause it takes ages.

    The main thing that stopped me from signing up to ConvertKit was the price. But, thankfully I was able to sign up for a free trial during their Cyber Monday promotion. So I’ve set up my account, and I can already see the benefits and simplicity of this platform.

    Initially, I was still on the fence about officially moving my subscribers and emails from GR to CK, but after reading your post I think I’m ready to make the switch today!

    Thanks again for sharing, it’s been really helpful!

  2. Hi Stephanie, switching was the best thing I could have done for my email. I feel like I’m in control with my email more than ever. The price held me back as well but I’m glad that I gave it a shot. I signed up for a 1-month free trial which allowed me the time to switch my list and get things all set up. It’s a little work but once it’s all in place everything just works. Anyways thanks for sharing.

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