How to Edit Blog Posts Fast

How to Edit Blog Posts Fast – 8 Tips to Speed Up Writing

Learning how to edit blog posts fast can be a game-changer for busy writers.

Time is of the essence in the blogging world, and efficiency is king.

You might have a fantastic knack for writing compelling content, but your productivity takes a hit if you spend hours perfecting every sentence and scrutinizing each word choice.

Therefore, mastering how to edit blog posts fast becomes crucial in maintaining consistent output without compromising quality or burning out.

1. How to Edit Blog Post Fast – Writing Mindset

How to Edit Blog Posts Fast

Blogging can be a thrilling undertaking, but it has its obstacles. One of the most common barriers bloggers face when writing blog posts faster is overcoming mindset hurdles such as impostor syndrome.

This psychological phenomenon can make even seasoned writers question their abilities and fear being exposed as fraud. Remember that everyone starts somewhere – top blogs weren’t built overnight.

Fighting Writer’s Block

Writer’s block can be another significant roadblock to creating content faster.

This state of mind where ideas seem elusive isn’t uncommon among bloggers, especially those juggling full-time jobs alongside their side hustle.

To combat this challenge, consider using prompts from social media trends or engaging with other writers for fresh perspectives – these strategies could spark inspiration and get your writing speed back up again.

Tackling Procrastination Head-On

The struggle against procrastination is real. We often delay tasks like hitting the publish button because they feel overwhelming.

A great strategy here would be breaking down large tasks into smaller ones, making them more manageable. Trello , a project management tool, might become your new best friend by helping organize these bite-sized chunks efficiently.

In addition, Content Marketing Institute suggests setting specific goals and rewarding yourself upon completion are effective ways against procrastinating habits, which often slow down our article creation process.

In doing so, you’ll save time while creating quality content faster than ever before.

2. Boosting Productivity with Time Management Techniques

time management

The secret to writing blog posts quickly and effectively lies in the intelligent application of time management techniques.

The Pomodoro technique, a popular method among top bloggers, is one such strategy that can help you create content faster.

This technique, named after an Italian tomato-shaped kitchen timer, breaks your work into manageable chunks separated by short breaks.

This approach helps maintain focus while reducing fatigue – just what’s needed for those aiming to write blog posts faster.

Drafting Content Before Editing

A common pitfall many writers fall into during their blogging journey is editing as they draft. While correcting errors on the go might seem logical, this habit can drastically slow your writing speed.

Rather than perfecting each sentence immediately upon creation, try focusing first on getting all your ideas out onto paper (or screen). You’ll be amazed at how quickly you can churn out articles when you allow thoughts to flow freely without interruption.

Your initial drafts don’t have to be flawless; they’re merely rough sketches of the final masterpiece yet-to-be-crafted.

Once everything has been put down in words, refining and reorganizing sentences or paragraphs begins – swiftly transforming raw material into polished prose worthy of hitting the publish button.

In essence: Draft before editing. Embrace this simple shift in workflow and see yourself saving significant time while enhancing creativity – critical ingredients for crafting a great blog post fast enough.

3. Utilizing Tools for Efficient Blog Writing

The blogosphere is a bustling place, and the key to thriving in it? Efficiency. Thankfully, we live in an era where tools abound that can streamline your blogging process and ramp up productivity.

Airstory research is one such tool. It allows you to gather research from various sources into one convenient location – no more hunting through multiple tabs or documents when writing your posts.

Regarding SEO optimization (a must-have for any blogger), AI SEO tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs are highly recommended.

They provide keyword suggestions based on search volume and competition level – ensuring every post you write has its best chance at ranking high on search engines.

The Power of Dictation in Writing Faster

If typing speed feels like a bottleneck slowing down your content creation pace, dictation might be just what you need.

Voice-to-text software options are aplenty these days – Google’s Voice Typing tool within Google Docs being among them; another popular choice is Dragon Naturally Speaking by Nuance Communications Inc.

With these handy applications, you could dictate entire drafts at speaking speed instead of painstakingly typing each word.

Besides saving time, this way also reduces strain caused by excessive keyboard use — though do keep an eye out during proofreading as voice recognition isn’t always perfect.

Importance of Keeping a Keyword List

An organized list of keywords related to your blog niche plays an invaluable role when trying to create quality content faster.

Not only does having relevant terms ready save precious minutes searching anew with each new article, but it also simultaneously improves site visibility via effective SEO practices.

You can make use of free planners like

Key Takeaway: Boost your blog writing efficiency by leveraging tools like Airstory for research and SEO aids like SEMrush. Consider dictation software to optimize content creation and maintain a keyword list for swift, SEO-friendly writing.

4. Outsourcing Tasks for Faster Content Production

You’re a full-time worker but have this burning desire to start your side hustle.

You want to write blog posts faster and publish more content without compromising quality. But there’s only so much time in the day, right? That’s where outsourcing comes into play.

It might appear counterintuitive initially – isn’t it intended to be YOUR blog?

However, delegating specific tasks that don’t necessarily need your personal touch or expertise can free up significant time for writing great blog post pieces.

Social Media Management: A Time-Consuming Task Worth Outsourcing

Your social media presence is crucial when running a successful blogging business. It helps drive traffic back to your site and allows you to interact with your readership base directly. The problem here lies not in its importance but rather how demanding it can be.

Fortunately, you don’t have to shoulder this responsibility alone; some professionals can handle it for you, or automated tools like Hootsuite provide an affordable alternative.

 Many professional social media managers could handle these responsibilities efficiently while letting you focus solely on creating quality content faster. Automated tools like Hootsuite also offer an alternative solution if hiring someone seems too costly at the present moment.

The Power Of Virtual Assistants In Streamlining Workflow

If juggling multiple roles becomes overwhelming (and trust us – as part-timers working towards starting their businesses usually do), virtual assistants (VAs) may just become lifesavers. 

These remote professionals provide administrative support, from handling emails to setting appointments and updating website plugins; they essentially take care of routine chores, allowing you to concentrate on crafting excellent articles as quickly as possible. 

Zirtual, amongst others, offers such services explicitly tailored to the needs of bloggers and aspiring entrepreneurs alike.

Key Takeaway: Want to speed up blog post-production without sacrificing quality? Consider outsourcing tasks that don’t require your personal touch. Delegate social media management or hire a virtual assistant for administrative support, freeing you up to focus on creating great content.

5. Quick Content Creation with Expert Round-Up Articles

You’re probably wondering, “How can I create quality content faster for my blog?” One answer lies in expert round-up articles.

These are posts that gather insights from multiple experts on a specific topic. They offer diverse perspectives and help you write blog posts quickly.

The beauty of this method? It’s not just about speed but also opens doors to networking opportunities. Relationships form naturally as you reach out to influencers or leaders in your field, while engaging content shapes your readership.

Mental Back Burner Strategy

Apart from leveraging expert opinions, there’s another technique worth exploring: The ‘mental back burner’ strategy.

This involves letting ideas simmer quietly while focusing on other tasks – allowing subconscious processing time, often leading to more creative solutions or unique angles for your article quickly.

This approach is efficient when combined with expert round-ups because it gives ample breathing space between responses from contributors.

Instead of diving headfirst into writing an entire post as soon as each response comes through, let those ideas sit at the back of your mind while tackling other activities like social media management or graphic design work.

When all responses have been gathered, and it’s finally time to start piecing everything together into one cohesive piece – chances are high that new connections would’ve formed, leading towards an even richer final output than initially envisioned.

So don’t rush; take advantage of these intervals by putting thoughts onto a mental slow-cook mode before hitting the publish button fast enough.

6. Enhancing Efficiency with Tools and Templates

The race to write blog posts faster doesn’t mean you have to start from scratch each time. Utilizing existing tools, frameworks, and templates can significantly expedite content creation while ensuring quality output.

Successful formats such as list posts or how-to guides for developing templates streamline the writing process while ensuring high-quality output.

Mental Back Burner Strategy

Apart from physical aids like SEO tools or project management platforms, there’s an effective mental strategy known as the ‘mental back burner.’

This involves allowing ideas to simmer while focusing on other tasks.

  1. This isn’t about multitasking but instead making use of subconscious processing power.
  2. We often have sudden insights when letting our minds wander during mundane activities – cleaning or walking, perhaps?
  3. Such moments are golden opportunities for crafting great blog posts quickly.

7. Unlocking Your Potential: Identifying Peak Productivity Hours

Understanding your rhythm is critical in the race to write blog posts faster.

Just as a musician finds their beat or an athlete hits their stride, bloggers have peak productivity hours that can make content creation smoother and more efficient.

The journey of discovering this prime time begins with self-observation.

Keeping track of when you feel most energetic and productive over several days will help identify patterns – giving insight into when you should ideally start writing those popular posts for maximum efficiency.

Morning Larks vs Night Owls: A Tale of Two Writers

A familiar divide among individuals lies between “morning larks,” who find themselves brimming with energy at sunrise, and “night owls,” whose creativity sparks in the evening’s tranquility.

If dawn breaks, bringing forth a surge of ideas for your next great blog post, mornings might be your best bet for tackling demanding tasks like quick content creation.

Conversely, if twilight stirs up thoughts flowing effortlessly while others retire from their day’s work, setting aside evenings could be ideal for drafting new articles quickly without compromising quality.

Remember, there’s no correct answer here. It all boils down to what works best for you.

Finding Balance Amidst The Midday Slump

We’ve all been there Mid-afternoon rolls around only to bring about lethargy, making everything seem more complicated. This dip aligns naturally with our body’s circadian rhythm but isn’t insurmountable.

Short breaks or light physical activity during this slump can reenergize us, allowing continued momentum through slower parts of the day without sacrificing overall productivity levels, a crucial factor towards hitting the publish button fast enough consistently.

This balance ensures not just quantity but also quality, the cornerstone behind any successful side hustle endeavor in blogging, where every article that was quickly written still needs its due share of attention before it sees daylight under ‘published’ status.

Key Takeaway: Identify your peak productivity hours to write blog posts faster. Whether you’re a morning lark or a night owl, leverage what works best for you. Combat the midday slump with short breaks or light activity, maintaining quality and quantity in your content.

8. Embracing Imperfection – The Final Step Towards Publishing

The journey to writing blog posts quickly can sometimes be hindered by an unexpected obstacle: perfectionism. Many bloggers find themselves stuck in the editing phase, endlessly tweaking their work before hitting that publish button.

Recognizing perfectionism as a hurdle can initially appear laudable, but it regularly resulted in needless postponements and missed chances to connect with your readers. Here’s how you can overcome this hurdle and create a great blog post without falling into perfectionism.

Acknowledging Perfectionism as a Barrier

Fear of criticism or negative feedback can be a powerful deterrent for many writers, leading them to succumb to perfectionistic tendencies while creating content.

It’s no surprise that many writers succumb to perfectionistic tendencies while creating content for their blogs.

But here’s something important: No piece will ever satisfy everyone completely – and that’s okay.

Embrace imperfections as part of the process rather than obstacles standing between you and quickly pressing ‘publish’ on your article.

Moving Past Perfectionism

Set realistic expectations about your goal within your given timeframe to break free from this cycle.

Don’t let yourself get bogged down in endless revisions; instead, focus on delivering quality content that effectively addresses reader needs; remember, progress over perfection should always be a guiding principle when learning to write faster.

Google Docs includes all the tools necessary to help streamline the process.

  1. Create rough drafts instead of perfecting each sentence every time
  2. Schedule specific times of the day to edit and revise so you don’t lose sight of your overall goals

Hitting Publish: A Leap Forward

Publishing imperfect work might feel uncomfortable initially, but consider taking action towards improving both speed and consistency.

Each published post is another step forward in mastering the art of blogging. 

It’s honing your craft. In time, with consistent practice and perhaps some constructive feedback, you’ll become more confident in sharing swiftly without compromising your core value, a win-win situation.

Key Takeaway: Perfectionism can be a stumbling block to quick blog post publishing. Overcome it by acknowledging its presence, setting realistic expectations, and focusing on progress over perfection. Remember, each published post is another step towards mastering your craft – embrace imperfections as part of the journey.

Tools to Help You Edit Blog Posts Faster

There are a lot of great tools to help you edit your blog posts fast. Some free and some paid tools.

Below is a list of tools I use. Some almost daily, others from time to time but all of them will help you speed up the process.



One of the most popular options out there is Grammarly. I had the free version of this tool for the longest time but recently switched to the Pro Plan.

This tool doesn’t just fix grammar mistakes but also helps you cut out the fluff, improve sentence structure, tighten up your articles, and make your article much easier to read.

Click here to learn more about Grammarly



SurferSEO is not a spell checker but rather more of an on-page SEO tool. This tool will tell you what you need to give you the best chance at ranking page one.

It will tell you how long your article should be, the amount of internal and external links, how many images you should have, the number of headings, and even the keywords you should have in your article.

Click here to learn more about SurferSEO

FAQs about How to Edit Blog Posts Fast

How do I make my blog post faster?

Streamline your process with time management techniques, efficient tools, and pre-existing templates. Dictation can speed up writing, while outsourcing tasks can save you time.

How do you write a good blog post in one hour?

Create an outline first to guide your writing. Use the Pomodoro technique for focused work sessions and utilize AI content creation tools for efficiency.

How to write five articles per day?

Prioritize drafting over perfectionism. Utilize productivity-enhancing strategies like the ‘mental back burner’ method and identify peak productivity hours for maximum output.

How many hours should it take to write a blog post?

The time varies based on topic complexity, research required, and individual writing speed. However, with practical strategies, quality posts can be written within 2-4 hours.


Overcoming mindset barriers in blogging is the first step towards editing blog posts faster.

You’ve learned that productivity can be boosted with time management techniques like the Pomodoro technique, and drafting content before editing saves significant time.

We discussed various tools for efficient writing, such as Airstory Researcher, AI SEO tools, and Grammarly. Dictation has emerged as a powerful tool to speed up your writing process and maintain a keyword list for better SEO performance.

Outsourcing tasks was highlighted as an effective way to accelerate content production without compromising quality. Expert round-up articles were introduced as quick ways of creating high-quality content.

Using templates and the mental back burner strategy was emphasized to enhance efficiency. Identifying peak productivity hours became apparent in increasing output levels regarding fast blog post creation.

Last but not least, embracing imperfection is critical – remember that value trumps perfection every time!

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